The Alliance for Childhood Cancer organizes annual Childhood Cancer Action Days. These Action Days rally communities to advocate for childhood cancer issues before Congress.

The ACS CAN advocates for childhood cancer research on the state and federal level. Their work seeks new cures and treatments for cancer patients and ensures all Americans have access to life-saving medical care.

The ACCO is dedicated to raising awareness and campaigning to make childhood cancer a priority at the local, state, and federal levels. The ACCO also advocates for kids with cancer on state, federal, and global levels.

CAC2 prioritizes advocacy work to obtain investments by state and federal governments for children with cancer. Through legislative achievements, advocacy programs, and interest groups, individuals can rally together to continue to make an impact.

Kids v. Cancer is a national-level pediatric cancer advocacy organization that helps parents discover ways to take action.

The LLS’s Office of Public Policy advocates to reduce barriers to healthcare access and increasing the development of new childhood cancer treatments

The NCCS’s Cancer Policy and Advocacy Team aims to ensure quality care for all cancer patients. This organization advocates for better public policies for health care and cancer treatment and partners with non-government organizations whose policies affect cancer patient care.

St. Baldricks’ “Speak Up for Kids’ Cancer” advocacy group aims to make childhood cancer research a national priority. Make an impact by joining “Speak Up,” participating in the CARE program, or asking your representative to join the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus.